1. Sir Emrys Vaughan

    Knight Companion (KD) of the Order of the Dragon
  2. Sir Patrick Botherfield

    Knight Companion (KD) of the Order of the Dragon
  3. Princess Victoria

    Royal Knight (LD) of the Order of the Dragon
  4. Princess Annette

    Royal Knight (LD) of the Order of the Dragon
  5. Prince David

    Royal Knight (KD) of the Order of the Dragon
  6. Prince Arthur

    Royal Knight (KD) of the Order of the Dragon
  7. Duke of Shelby

    Royal Knight (KD) of the Order of the Dragon
  8. H. W. Hygswitch

    Knight Companion (KD) of the Order of the Dragon
  9. Lady Teri Shark

    Lady Companion (LD) of the Order of the Dragon
  10. Sir Dudley Pound

    Knight Companion (KD) of the Order of the Dragon
  11. Sir Quincy MacDonald

    Knight Companion (KD) of the Order of the Dragon
  12. Andrew Hammersmith

    Knight Companion (KD) of the Order of the Dragon
  13. Lord Rhodi Paerrycen

    Knight Companion (KD) of the Order of the Dragon
  14. Viscount Lennox

    Knight Companion (KD) of the Order of the Dragon
  15. Duke of Baliho

    Knight Companion (KD) of the Order of the Dragon
  16. Majes

    Knight Companion (KD) of the Order of the Dragon
  17. Edward Duke

    Knight Companion (KD) of the Order of the Dragon