Administration of the United States of Astor

  • Government of the United States of Astor

    President: Robert O'Neill
    Vice President: Kimberly Beringer

    Secretary of Defense: Alricio Scriptatore
    Secretary of Intelligence Affairs: Justin Wayne
    Secretary of the Interior: Jerry Cotton
    Attorney General: Alexander Xanathos
    Secretary of Trade and Treasury: Cole Howell
    Secretary of State: Steve McQueen

    Congress of the United States of Astor

    President of the United States Congress: Romy Lanter-Davis
    Representatives: Romy Lanter-Davis, Steve McQueen, Jerry Cotton, Anthony Davenport, John Kerchevall, John E. Prescott, Jason Caldwell

    President of Senate: Alricio Scriptatore
    Senators: Alricio Scriptatore, Justin Wayne, Cole Howell, Edmund Malroy, Armin Schwertfeger, Jenson Wakaby, Lance Jackson, Jeffrey Filmore

    Stand: 16.12.2008

    Tom Norstad
    Lieutenant-Governor of the Commonwealth of Hybertina
    United States Ambassador to the Kingdom of Albernia
    Representative in the United States Congress
    County Commissioner of La Libertad

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Tom Norstad ()

  • President Leo McGarry hat dem Senat die Ernennung des ehemaligen Chief Justice Armin Schwertfeger zum Attorney General vorgeschlagen. Er zog damit die Konsequenz aus der Inaktivität des ehemaligen Vice President Michael Tang, den er vor zwei Tagen aus seinem Amt als Leiter einer Obersten Bundesbehörde entließ.

    Tom Norstad
    Lieutenant-Governor of the Commonwealth of Hybertina
    United States Ambassador to the Kingdom of Albernia
    Representative in the United States Congress
    County Commissioner of La Libertad

  • New Secretarys appointed

    Am gestrigen Tage ernannte President Robert O'Neill den vorherigen Chairman der Joint Chiefs of Staff General Steve McQueen zum neuen Secretary of State und den bisherigen unbekannten Wirtschaftsexperten Cole Howell zum neuen Secretary of Trade and Treausury. Der Senat hatte kurz zuvor beiden Ernennungen zugestimmt. Beide leisteten noch am selben Tag ihren Amtseid.

    General McQueen löst in seinem Amt die bisherige Vizepräsidentin Kimberly Beringer ab, gegen die zuletzt nun ein Impeachment auf Antrag von Abgeordneten und Senatoren beider großen Parteien ansteht. Es ist dabei sehr wahrscheinlich, dass Ms. Beringer dabei ihres Amtes enthoben wird. President O'Neill hat bereits angekündigt, den bisherigen Secretary of the Interior dem Kongress als neuem Vice President vorzuschlagen.

    Tom Norstad
    Lieutenant-Governor of the Commonwealth of Hybertina
    United States Ambassador to the Kingdom of Albernia
    Representative in the United States Congress
    County Commissioner of La Libertad

  • Administration of the United States of Astor
    - Regulary from October 1st 2009 till January 31st, 2010 -

    President: Richard Dean Templeton
    Vice President: Alexander Felix Xanathos

    Secretary of Defense: Steve McQueen
    Secretary of the Interior: Quinn Michael Wells
    Attorney General: Herb Saigon
    Secretary of Trade and Treasury: o.b.o. the President
    Secretary of State: Alexander Felix Xanathos

    Templeton - McQueen - Wells - Saigon - Xanathos

    Stand: 24.10.2009

    U.S. Minister Resident to the Kingdom of Albernia: Mrs. Lindsey McCaw

    U.S. Minister Resident to the Dominion of Cranberra: Mr. Gregory Wilkins


    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von U.S. Department of State ()

  • Administration of the United States of Astor
    - Regulary from June 1st 2010 till October 31st, 2010 -

    President: Richard Grey
    Vice President: Craig Hsiao

    Secretary of Defense: Craig Hsiao
    Secretary of the Interior: Gregory Jameson
    Attorney General: John Nathan Hope
    Secretary of Trade and Treasury: Norman H. Hodges
    Secretary of State: o.b.o. the President

    Grey - Hsiao - Jameson - Hope - Hodges

    Stand: 24.08.2010

    U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom
    Fromer President of the United States

  • Administration of the United States of Astor
    - Regulary from October 1st 2010 till January 31st, 2010 -

    President: Jeffrey Fillmore
    Vice President: Paul Cunningham

    Secretary of Defense: George Colton
    Secretary of Commerce: o.b.o. the President
    Attorney General: Paul Cunningham
    Secretary of State: Jerry Cotton

    Fillmore - Cunningham - Colton - Cotton

    Stand: 11.11.2010

  • Administration of the United States of Astor

    President: Douglas Hayward
    Vice President: Arjun Narayan

    Secretary of Defense: o.b.o. the President
    Secretary of Commerce: Frankie Carbone
    Attorney General: Sandy van het Reve
    Secretary of State: o.b.o. the President

    Fillmore - Cunningham - Colton - Cotton

    Stand: 31.03.2012

  • Administration of the United States of Astor

    President: Luciano Marani
    Vice President: Alexander Thomas Huang

    Secretary of Defense: o.b.o. the President
    Secretary of Commerce: Frankie Carbone
    Attorney General: o.b.o. the President
    Secretary of State: Lucas Magnus

    Marani - Huang - Cotton - Magnus


  • Administration of the United States of Astor
    - Regulary from June 1st till September 30th, 2013 -

    President: Robert O'Neill
    Vice President: Arjun Narayan

    Attorney General: o.b.o. the President
    Secretary of Commerce: o.b.o. the President
    Secretary of Defense: o.b.o. the President
    Secretary of State: o.b.o. the President

    President O'Neill • Vice President Narayan

    Stand: 03.06.2013

    U.S. Minister Resident to the Kingdom of Albernia: Mrs. Lindsey McCaw

    U.S. Minister Resident to the Dominion of Cranberra: Mr. Gregory Wilkins


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